College Experience

Camp Kesem


  • Dedicated to supporting children whose lives have been impacted by a parent's cancer
  • Oversee a team of 15 coordinators, 80+ general body members, and 7 advisory board members
  • Fundraise over $32,500 towards putting on a camp for 30 campers
  • Collaborated with Kesem Alumni, Mental Health Professionals, Nurses, and University Faculty and Staff


  • Dedicated to supporting children whose lives have been impacted by a parent's cancer
  • Oversee a team of 15 coordinators, 80+ general body members, and 7 advisory board members
  • Fundraise over $32,500 towards putting on a camp for 30 campers
  • Collaborated with Kesem Alumni, Mental Health Professionals, Nurses, and University Faculty and Staff


Vice President of Finance

  • Aided in leading Rotaract members to fulfill the motto of "Service Above Self"
  • Managed a $7000 budget for the organization including guaranteeing that the budget is correctly calculated
  • Work with members experiencing economic hardships to create an appropriate financial plan
  • Collaborate with the Executive Board to allow for productive meetings and planning for future

Associated Students

Board of Directors

  • Collaborate with SDSU administrators and students to improve the student body’s experience
  • Provide hands-on opportunities for SDSU students to get experience in their field through co-op program
  • Responsible for reviewing confidential information and budgets to make decisions that will affect the entire campus
  • Elected by SDSU Executive Board, staff, and students to support the goals of the Associated Students

College of Engineering Representative

  • Initiated the involvement of 20+ students in the council, increasing the number of people involved by 200%
  • Collaborate with SDSU administrators and students to improve the engineering student’s experience
  • Host 5+ events per semester to encourage collaboration amongst engineering students
  • Earned position in a student body election by receiving over 150 votes from engineering peers

College Panhellenic Association

Vice President of Philanthropy

  • Main point of contact for all 9 Panhellenic chapters looking to hold a Philanthropy or Service Event
  • Manage and approve all philanthropy requests/ proposals including risk management and feasibility
  • Organize two philanthropy events per year with required attendance by 200+ people
  • Work one on one with each chapter to ensure they have a successful philanthropy event, 10+ events

Other Clubs

  • Kappa Delta Sorority
  • Aztec Dance Marathon
  • Quality of Life +
  • Order of Omega
  • Rho Lambda
  • GoldenKey International Honor Society
  • Scholars Without Borders
  • The National Society of Leadership and Success
  • Society of Women Engineers
  • AS Awards Committee
  • SDSU Ambassadors
  • Best Buddies