My Professional Experience

Explore the journey and milestones of my professional career.

CourseKey - Data Analyst

June 2020 - Present

At CourseKey, I started as an intern and quickly rose to the position of Data Analyst. Here, I've been instrumental in developing insights and visualizations that have significantly influenced strategic decisions. My work involves complex data analysis, creating predictive models, and presenting findings to stakeholders to inform business strategy.

  • Developed a predictive model that improved customer retention by 15%.
  • Led the analytics team in a cross-functional project that increased operational efficiency by 25%.

Somnia Sleep Technology - Co-Founder

September 2018 - May 2020

As a Co-Founder of Somnia Sleep Technology, I wore multiple hats, from product development to marketing and customer engagement. My journey in entrepreneurship taught me valuable lessons in resilience, innovation, and the importance of user-centric design.

  • Directed the development of a sleep aid device, from concept to market, leading to a successful launch.
  • Implemented a digital marketing strategy that increased our customer base by 40% within the first year.

Additional Experiences

My career also includes significant contributions to various startups and organizations, where I've honed my skills in project management, leadership, and technical innovation.